[Hot Toys] The Goodfellas

They are no gangsters like the movie "The Goodfellas", which was directed by Martin Scorsese. They are the real deal...They are the good guys who do nothing but saving the world!!! These guys will be my no.55, 54 & 53!! So, I have another 52 more to go....Oh Gosh!!
Who's next? According to my asset list (yes, I have an asset list to keep track all of my toys purchases), it should be P1 Predator and then followed by Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer.
I bought a total of 4 Hot Toys TrueType bodies (1 Special Edition + 3 Narrowed Shoulders) and suits for kitbashing. The extra headsculps (Bruce, Tony & Clark) were given as part of accessories when I buy The Dark Knight, Iron Man Mark III and Superman / Clark Kent 2-in-1 Version.
This reminds me that I have preordered 2 X TrueType body (Slim Version) and should be arriving anytime. Probably I will need to get a few more pieces to replace those fragile 301 Naked bodies. I have 2 broken Naked bodies already. Grrrrrr....
So this weekend I have 2 tasks to complete:
a) To take pictures for Predator & Dutch.
b) To fix the broken 301 Naked body for my New No.1 Masked Rider.
Ok, back to the Goodfellas! I have been searching for suits for Bruce & Tony for quite awhile and I don't really like the Men's Suit from Hot Toys. I searched all over the web and finally I found 2 suits from eBay which I think the best matched the movie and of course, making Bruce & Tony look good!!! These suits are not cheap at all!! Anyway, I'm still very happy with the suits and I dare to say they are the best looking suits you can get so far.. *Ahem*..
Do you call this kitbashing?? I dunno, more like mixing & matching to me...whatever.. Kekekeke..
1. Bruce Wayne (Movie scene - at the party for Harvey Dent)
- Body (from Hot Toys TrueType with Narrowed Shoulders)
- Long sleeves, suit & pants (from eBay)
- Tie & belt (from Saturday Toys 01A Suit Set)
- Shoes (from Triad Toys)

2. Tony Stark (movie scene - at the Jericho demo)
- Body (from Hot Toys TrueType with Narrowed Shoulders)
- Suit & pants (from eBay)
- Long sleeves, tie & belt (from Hot Toys Men's Suit)
- Shoes (from Triad Toys)
Oh NO!! I can't find Tony's sun glasses!!!! No! No! No!...ARRRGGHHHhhhh.....

3. Clark Kent (Movie scene - I have no idea because I dont have the dvd..kekeke)
- Body (from Hot Toys TrueType Special Edition)
- Long sleeves, tie, suit, pants, etc (from Superman / Clark Kent 2-in-1 Version)

I know Hot Toys is producing another 2 more superheroes very soon and they are Spiderman and Wolverine (targeting to be released in Q4 2009). I really hope Hot Toys will continue doing the same thing by giving an additional headsculp as part of the accessory and the Goodfellas gang will grow... Oh shit, I need to get a few more extra Trutype bodies. Gah!
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