[Medicom - July'09] Masked Rider Old No.1 (Version 3.5) & Cyclone / 舊1號 & 旋風號

This is my no.56 12-inch and it comes together with a BIKE!! Yes!! A one-sixth scale Cyclone Bike!!
Never really thought of buying it but after seeing some of the photos from the toys-forum, I tell to myself, I GOT TO HAVE IT. 姣婆守唔到寡... :( Again I just give a call to my superb supplier "L" and he settled everything for me. Another impulse buying. Shit..
This is the second Masked Rider Old No.1 / 舊1號 that I have owned. The first 1 was Version 3.0 and the new one is Version 3.5.
The following are the differences between the 2 Versions:
1. Head,
2. Body,
3. Leather, and
2. Colors on six-pack, gloves and boots.
I would like to highlight that the body used for 3.5 is different from the normal RAH 301 Naked / 改 body. This new body is specifically designed to ride a bike!! It has thinner tights and both legs can lift up to 45 degree near to the body. This will enable the body to lean forward to achieve a perfect riding posture. Well done Medicom!!
Next I want to talk about the Cyclone Bike / 旋風號電單車. The bike was designed to the 1:6 scale. Lots of details and the weathering is nicely done. Mud stains (the stains look so real especially on the tires), oil spill, you name it, it has it!! Another excellent job!!
And now the cons, the leather used for the Rider is not good. Sooner or later you will faced leather peeling problem. My Rider already have peeling issues in the sleeves but luckily can be covered when wearing gloves. A few reported leather peeling cases from the forum and some members adviced not to let the Rider ride on the bike for too long or else the leather may stick on the bike!! Yikes!!
So, what's next?? Medicom, I need Old No.2 with bike!! Old No.2 is the only 昭和 (Oldschool) Rider that I dont have. :( Give it to me...

I have captured some photos for comparison between Version 3.0 and 3.5. The left one is 3.5. It appears 3.5 is slightly taller. Hmmm...
And yeah, I remembered I have read somewhere mentioned that the new body is made of different material as well. Hopefully more lasting and durable. FYI, the 3.0's left leg is broken. :( My New No.1 / 新一號 also has a broken left leg... Damn!! I will try to fix it or else have to buy new RAH 301 Naked body. Seems like very hard to find these 301 Naked bodies now a days. I hope Medicom will reissue them as I really need some backups!! Duh!

The right one is 3.5.

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